Mental Health and Gambling

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Gambling involves wagering something of value on an event that is determined by chance. The act of gambling can take many forms, from traditional casino games such as roulette and blackjack to more social activities like sports betting and card games. Regardless of the activity, it is important to understand how gambling can impact your mental health.

Many people use gambling as a distraction from difficult thoughts, feelings or life situations. This is not a healthy way to cope and can actually make things worse. If you find yourself using gambling as a way to escape your problems, try and stop this behaviour by doing other activities that you enjoy or speaking to someone you trust for non-judgemental support. You can also get help and advice by calling the GamCare helpline.

For some, gambling can become a serious problem that causes real harm in their lives. This can affect their physical and mental health, relationships with family and friends, performance at work or studies, finances and can even lead to homelessness. It is important to recognise the signs and seek help if you are worried about a friend or loved one.

People gamble for a variety of reasons, for example socially (to enjoy time with friends), for financial rewards (the hope of winning money) or for entertainment (the thrill and excitement). There are some people who are more at risk of developing a gambling problem, this includes children and teenagers, those with mental health issues and those who start gambling at a young age. Financial difficulties can also increase the risk of harmful gambling, for advice on dealing with debts call StepChange on 0800 280 2824.

Problem gambling can be a hidden addiction, and it can be hard to recognise if you have a problem. You might hide your spending, lie to others about your gambling or spend more time playing than you do at work or on other activities. You may also have difficulty stopping gambling once you have started.

Gambling is a form of entertainment, but it can quickly lose its appeal when you don’t have balance in your life. Try to spend more time doing other activities that you enjoy, or even consider volunteering, joining a club or taking up a new hobby. It is also worth setting a time limit for each session and only gambling with disposable income, not money that you need to pay bills or your rent.

The first step to overcoming a gambling problem is admitting that you have a problem. This can be difficult, especially if you have lost a lot of money and it has impacted your relationship with family and friends. However, many people have overcome their gambling addiction and rebuilt their lives with the skills they learned through treatment. You can also seek support from peer groups such as Gamblers Anonymous, which is based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. If you are concerned about your friend or loved one, it is important to discuss their gambling habits with them and encourage them to seek help.

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